The goal of the Research Unit “New Physics at the LHC” is to provide theoretical calculations and numerical tools for TeV -scale new physics searches and exploration at the LHC, motivated by the hierarchy problem, the search for the origin of dark matter, or both. We pursue precision calculations and the developments of tools, explore the top-Higgs sector and models of dark matter, and test new physics scenarios through global fits. Specifically, we
- A develop automated tools for calculating the production and decay of new particles at the LHC, including next-to-leading order QCD corrections and the resummation of large logarithmic corrections;
- B explore the top-Higgs sector in strongly or weakly interacting theories and in multiscale models, and analyze their LHC phenomenology in QCD signatures and through simplified models;
- C probe the nature of dark matter at the LHC in a model-independent way based on simplified models with tree- and loop-level couplings, taking into account the most important QCD effects, and study the interplay of LHC searches and other probes of dark matter;
- D develop theoretical methods and tools to improve global fits of Higgs properties and more generic new physics models, like those performed within the SFITTER and FITTINO collaborations.