<noautolink>%SCRIPTURL{%SCRIPTNAME%}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%%IF{"'%QUERYSTRING%' != ''" then="?%QUERYSTRING%"}%</noautolink>

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<script type="text/javascript">
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%{if you do want to customise the two divs defined here, don't change their id's or remove the 'hidden' class}%
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%{use UserHijaxTemplate to customise the templates below as required}%


%{everytime a link is hovered over, the url attribute of the anchors below is copied to the respective href attribute and the $web and $topic variables are substituted for the web and topic of the hovered link}%
%{this is a javascript string literal, note the backslashes at the end of each line}%
%TMPL:DEF{hpmenu_items}%<li id="hppreviewli"><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic">\
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<li><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{edit}%/$web/$topic?nowysiwyg=1">\
<img alt="edit" src="%TMPL:P{hpmenu_iconpath}%/page_edit.png" title="Edit this page" /></a></li>\
<li><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic?raw=on">\
<img alt="raw" src="%TMPL:P{hpmenu_iconpath}%/page_code.png" title="Raw view this page" /></a></li>\
<li><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{oops}%/$web/$topic?template=oopshistory">\
<img alt="history" src="%TMPL:P{hpmenu_iconpath}%/page_white_stack.png" title="Inspect the History of this page" /></a></li>\
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%TMPL:DEF{hpmenu_parked_for_future_dev}%<li><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic?template=System.SiteMapView;root=$topic">\
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<li><a class="hpmenulink" url="%SCRIPTURL{attach}%/$web/$topic">\
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%{the following should be a comma separated list of ids and classes of DOM anchor elements that should not be hijaxed, it is used in a jQuery selector so don't forget the # of ids or . of classes}%

%{for IE6 browsers only: the following should be a jQuery selector of DOM elements that should be searched for png images that need to be 'fixed' using the HijaxPlugin customisation of the jQuery SuperSleight plugin}%
%{note that all quotes should be double as the string is wrapped in single quotes}%
%TMPL:DEF{hpssleight}%$("body *").not(".nossleight")%TMPL:END%

Topic revision: r5 - 03 Feb 2025, UweKahlert
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