Aim of the working group
The aim of this LPCC working group is to provide state-of-the-art cross section and branching ratio predictions for SUSY and other new physics models at the LHC.
Specific tasks
- collect SUSY/BSM cross section and branching ratio predictions, including the most advanced theory calculations (NLO, NLL resummation, electroweak corrections, bound state efects...), up-to-date SM inputs like pdf's and a proper error estimate;
- compare dedicated theory calculations, including higher-order corrections, with Monte Carlo predictions;
- compile a list of existing SUSY/BSM LHC tools with contact persons and test these tools for a wide region of parameter space;
- provide a common forum for discussion among the LHC experiments and the theory community.
(coord. Michael Krämer, Tilman Plehn)
(coord. Sven Heinemeyer, Margarete Mühlleitner)
(coord. JoAnne Hewett, Tom Rizzo)
Coordinators: Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) and Michael Krämer (RWTH Aachen University)
Experimental contacts: Atlas and CMS SUSY conveners
MichaelKraemer - 15 Jun 2011