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Aim of the working group

The aim of this LPCC working group is to provide state-of-the-art cross section and branching ratio predictions for SUSY and other new physics models at the LHC.

Specifi c tasks

  • collect SUSY/BSM cross section and branching ratio predictions, including the most advanced theory calculations (NLO, NLL resummation, electroweak corrections, bound state e fects...), up-to-date SM inputs like pdf's and a proper error estimate;
  • compare dedicated theory calculations, including higher-order corrections, with Monte Carlo predictions;
  • compile a list of existing SUSY/BSM LHC tools with contact persons and test these tools for a wide region of parameter space;
  • provide a common forum for discussion among the LHC experiments and the theory community.


SUSY cross section calculations

(coord. Michael Krämer, Tilman Plehn)

SUSY decay rate calculations

(coord. Sven Heinemeyer, Margarete Mühlleitner)

Further BSM models

(coord. JoAnne Hewett, Tom Rizzo)

Coordinators: Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) and Michael Krämer (RWTH Aachen University)

Experimental contacts: Atlas and CMS SUSY conveners

-- MichaelKraemer - 15 Jun 2011
Topic revision: r19 - 14 Mar 2012, MichaelKraemer
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