Children of Skins in System Web

Results from System web retrieved at 12:32 (GMT)

Go Box The box at the top or sidebar of each page, also called Jump box. Enter a topic name to quickly jump to the topic, for example: * WebNotify to jump to ...
Pattern skin Select a theme to change the look, or tune the entire appearance with CSS or templates. Browse available themes You may quickly change the appearanc...
Plain Skin The plain skin is used to get the rendered topic text without any page decoration such as side, top or bottom bars. The text is shown without any marku...
Print Skin The print skin, used for printable pages with a small footer. Other skins, such as PatternSkin, may introduce their own print skin. This skin is part o...
Skin Browser You can try out the Skins currently installed on this system: %SEARCH{ "1" topic="*Skin" scope="topic" web=",TWiki" type="que...
Skin Template Tokens Placeholders expanded by Foswiki scripts when generating output Overview Template Tokens are written exactly like Foswiki macros, but they a...
Skin Templates The framework used to render output. Overview Skin Templates are plain text with embedded template directives, macros and tokens that are expanded...
Number of topics: 7
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